Saturday, 5 September 2009

Internet Niche Marketing Secrets Lesson 3

Ok folks, I am back by popular demand, well not popular as yet as I only have 2 google followers at present, but hopefully the friend count will increase.

So if you have taken a look on google for "Internet niche marketing secrets" you can see that this blog is now at number 4. Why is that? Well Google likes fresh new content and as this is a brand new blog without any PR value it slips down after a few days.

So you are now the hell do I get this back up to number 1. Ok folks, Secret number 3 of internet niche marketing is......links. What is a link you may ask? Well this is a link - can you see this blue line internet niche marketing Every link that goes to your website means that people like you site, and if lots and lots of people like your site then your will go up the page rankings on Google. This is a very important secret, so keep it real secret and get those links.

Well now you are wondering how do I get links, well you can get links in many ways. One of the best ways is to do a really good website and people will want to link to your website. For example the make money with honey website I created last week is now indexed. To get it indexed I added a link on this blog and hey presto Google found it through its spider web. So other ways of getting links will be in the next lesson of internet niche marketing. If you want it now write a comment and I will tell you.

To your good health and fortune

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Internet Niche Marketing Secrets Lesson 2

Good day All, and welcome back to another exciting edition of Internet Niche Marketing Secrets

Well you may have been waiting for more secrets but fortunately I have been tied up with other more lucrative Internet marketing work. Ho Ho Ho. Well its fast approaching Christmas and it time to make some honey and get paid lots of money

Anyway back to what you want. So we discussed last time round that I got the Internet Niche Marketing Secrets blog cached on to google and as you can see above I did a search on " I just typed in Cat and google prompted me with Cats Protection" and hey presto the post shows up in the google search results. How cool is that huh? There are literally billions of websites on their Internet and in less that 1 sec or 0.26 seconds to be precise and give Google it due, Google has found the phrase that I typed it. I love Google. Damn wish I was as clever as the 2 Google Boffins who dreamt this up. So now Internet Niche Marketing Secrets in now indexed.

So you are wondering how exactly I got this blog to show up in Google in 7 days or so. Well the key is to have friends. In Google land friends are king. The more friends you have on the Internet the better. Google uses friends as a measure as to how trustworthy your website or blog is. As discussed previously getting a high PageRank is the the holy grail for all Internet marketers. If you are lucky enough to have a friend who works at and you area able to get a link from BBC which is a PR9, then you are in business. You blog will be numero uno :)

Back to how I got Internet Niche Marketing Secrets on to google. Firstly I started a free blog from blogspot, I gave it the name of So the first secret of Internet Niche Marketing is to pick a url that contains what you want to talk about. Suppose you want to talk about makemoneywithhoney, then get a blog and set it up as makemoneywithhoney By naming it as makemoneywithhoney you will have a head start of the competition. Google gives you points for having the name of the subject that you want to talk about in the domain name.

If you enjoy reading this and are actually learning and thinking about putting this into practice then I suggest that you comment in this blog and ask the INMS Guru questions. I will take the time to read the comments and guide you along my friend, but it is up to you to ask me what you want to know.

All the best and till the next time live long and prosper Internet marketing newbies

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Internet Niche Marketing Secrets Lesson 1 update

Goodday Folks, Welcome back to a quick update on Internet Niche Marketing Secrets. As you can see on the right hand side of the screen there is a screen capture of this blog. Note the date 19 August 2009. You can see that this is Google cache of Internet Niche Marketing Secrets. Cool huh, its been 2 days since this blog was launched and hey presto Google has cached it. So in a few more days after a couple of more posts Google should have indexed this blog, so when the great Internet public do a search on a string that is in this blog for example " I just typed in Cat and google prompted me with Cats Protection" it will pop up in the google results page.

Have a great day folks. Live long and prosper. In the next lesson I will show you how I got this blog cached in google and how to index a blog or website

Friday, 21 August 2009

Internet Niche Marketing Secrets Number 1

Welcome back to your first lesson in Internet Niche Marketing Secrets

Ok folks, here it is. JUST DO IT, like the Nike advert says just freaking do it. Start, dont wait till the sun shines out of your ass, just damm start the freaking thing. How many of you have been reading and reading the countless number of blogs out there. Some of them have pearls, i think I can say only 3 of them are any good, and the rest are utter crap. They all boast as to how much money they are making, and they make actually be making money, but the bottom line, folks...they just dont tell you what to do. How many of you have been thinking, God I wish someone would give me a step by step way to make money on the internet.

Well let me tell you the first step....Just start a blog, Go to and sign up or sign in using your google account and start typing. But before you start think about it, spend at least 1 hour brainstorming ideas as to what can I write about. Most people who blog say they blog cos they want an outlet for their thoughts, but 6 months years later when they have zip readers and no book deal they pack it in. Unless you the sort of person who doesn't give a monkeys as to who is reading your blog, then you will be wanting some recognition. This maybe through monetary means where people advertise on your blog, or through praise. Let me tell you this, show me the money..

Ok, so when you are brainstorming ideas you will need to keyword research on Google. There are 2 ways that you can get traffic. One is Social traffic, which is real hard work to maintain. You got to go on to Twitter and twit away so people will keep on hearing you. The better way is to get ranked on page 1 of google for your chosen subject. When people are looking for something they tend to go to Google and type straight in to the white box. They don't think let me see, lets see who is twittering on this subject. The guys and girls who spend their time on social sites such as Facebook or Twitter are fritting away their time, they like to chat and poke people, pass comment. They are not the buyers of the world. The are just passing time, probably at work

Let me give you an example. I just typed in Cat and google prompted me with Cats Protection.
Using Google Keyword Adwords Tool, I took a look at that word and see that the term "Cats Protection" is searched 22000 times. To findout the page rank of a website, add Google Toolbar on your browser. The number 1 site on google is a PR6. Whats PR, well PR stands for Page Rank. It is the method that google uses to assign Weight to a website. For instance is a PR9, with PR10 being the highest that you can have on a website, and obviously PR0 being the lowest. Dont forget that before you get to PR0 there is another level, unranked :) and even unindexed.

So going back to my example, I think I will choose another keyword as trying to get to PR6 would be near impossible, let me go search for another keyword. Tackling a PR6 site would take you a few years if you dont have any experience or previous website.

To your good health and mastering internet niche marketing secrets.... till the next time.

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Internet Niche Marketing Secrets

Welcome Friends to the best friend you will ever have.... the Internet Niche Marketing Secrets Guru. This is the place to be to if you want to really get the deepest,darkest and most well kept secrets of the Internet Marketing world.

Since the Internet was launched many moons ago, there have been men making money on the Internet. As astounding as it may seem hundreds, no tens of thousands have made their fortune using the Internet. I bet you don't remember the Gold Rush days, huh...if you do then you must be a ghost...Well anyway back in the day there were rumors of men making their fortune in America and millions of immigrants flocked to the new world in search of their lucky spade.

Well the Gold Rush is back, but this time, it is only the few who will hear about it. Over the last decade since GOOGLE came on the scene and shoved Microsoft out of the way, there have been thousands of men and women making their fortune on the Internet. Simply by having a website or a blog people are making money. Even if you can make $1 a day from you blog, by spending 30 minutes a day, updating it every day, that will be residual or passive income for life. The only criteria is that it should be useful and contain unique content. Simply copying and pasting material from article directories such as ezine is of no benefit - to you or to the reader. There a millions of websites that basically say the same thing and it seems that Big G has cottoned to this and is now weeding them out. That's a good thing I say, as that will separate the monkeys from the organ grinders.

I have decided to start up this blog to help the men and women on planet earth to realise that there is another Gold Rush on. It is a well kept secret, there are those who think that it is necessary to throw misinformation into the public domain to prevent the millions who seek a better life from achieving their dreams. There is plenty of corn available for all to consume. There is plenty of land to buy. There is plenty of everything on this beautiful planet.

I say have your dream, work hard and you will live it. Life is wonderful, it pains me to see men on the street without hope and living the life of a street urchin. This is no life. Life is about making it happen for you. If life throws you a curve ball, pick it up and throw it back again. Always get up, dust yourself down and move forward.

Stay tuned for the first installment of Internet niche marketing secrets reveled by the INMS Guru.