Thursday, 27 August 2009

Internet Niche Marketing Secrets Lesson 2

Good day All, and welcome back to another exciting edition of Internet Niche Marketing Secrets

Well you may have been waiting for more secrets but fortunately I have been tied up with other more lucrative Internet marketing work. Ho Ho Ho. Well its fast approaching Christmas and it time to make some honey and get paid lots of money

Anyway back to what you want. So we discussed last time round that I got the Internet Niche Marketing Secrets blog cached on to google and as you can see above I did a search on " I just typed in Cat and google prompted me with Cats Protection" and hey presto the post shows up in the google search results. How cool is that huh? There are literally billions of websites on their Internet and in less that 1 sec or 0.26 seconds to be precise and give Google it due, Google has found the phrase that I typed it. I love Google. Damn wish I was as clever as the 2 Google Boffins who dreamt this up. So now Internet Niche Marketing Secrets in now indexed.

So you are wondering how exactly I got this blog to show up in Google in 7 days or so. Well the key is to have friends. In Google land friends are king. The more friends you have on the Internet the better. Google uses friends as a measure as to how trustworthy your website or blog is. As discussed previously getting a high PageRank is the the holy grail for all Internet marketers. If you are lucky enough to have a friend who works at and you area able to get a link from BBC which is a PR9, then you are in business. You blog will be numero uno :)

Back to how I got Internet Niche Marketing Secrets on to google. Firstly I started a free blog from blogspot, I gave it the name of So the first secret of Internet Niche Marketing is to pick a url that contains what you want to talk about. Suppose you want to talk about makemoneywithhoney, then get a blog and set it up as makemoneywithhoney By naming it as makemoneywithhoney you will have a head start of the competition. Google gives you points for having the name of the subject that you want to talk about in the domain name.

If you enjoy reading this and are actually learning and thinking about putting this into practice then I suggest that you comment in this blog and ask the INMS Guru questions. I will take the time to read the comments and guide you along my friend, but it is up to you to ask me what you want to know.

All the best and till the next time live long and prosper Internet marketing newbies

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